Enervee Blog

For Vermonters, buying efficient products just got a whole lot easier. | Enervee Blog

Written by Anne Arquit Niederberger | 8/30/18 7:00 AM

Not only do appliances tend to go on the blink at the worst possible moment — like when scrambling to catch up on laundry, so you can pack and take off on a 2-week vacation; appliance purchases are relatively big ticket items that you don’t buy very often, so it’s hard to know what features matter and if you’re getting a good deal. Not to mention how much good you can do your wallet and the planet by choosing one model over another.

That’s why Enervee is pleased to announce the Efficiency Vermont Marketplace, which had its soft launch on August 1, 2018!

The Efficiency Vermont Marketplace leverages Enervee’s IDEAL Customer Platform and features a consumer-facing online choice engine spanning the following product categories.

Product categories covered by the Efficiency Vermont Marketplace ( https://marketplace.efficiencyvermont.com/)

The utility offers rebates on those categories with the orange dollar signs, and all categories except thermostats feature the Enervee Score, a zero to 100 index that shows how energy efficient each product model is compared to others currently on the market.

Efficiency Vermont’s broadest goal is to meet a customer need:

We recognize that shoppers/Vermonters spend a significant amount of time researching appliances before they purchase them, and we’re excited to enhance the Efficiency Vermont site with resources that will help customers do that research more easily.

The emphasis is squarely on a better shopping experience, one that makes it easier for EVT customers to find the efficient option. Integrating digital rebates into the interface, so that visitors can see at a glance which models qualify, is just one customer-friendly improvement over the traditional practice of relying on qualified product lists.

The EVT Marketplace underscores the utility’s commitment to consumer choice and dovetails nicely with the slogan of the Smart Choice Campaign:

“We’ve done the research, so you can make the smart choice”

Enervee is proud to serve Efficiency Vermont — the State’s objective advisor on saving energy through efficiency and the nation’s first energy efficiency utility — with our IDEAL Customer Platform and customer-facing Appliances choice engine.

The Efficiency Vermont Marketplace brings Enervee’s current US deployments to twelve, serving over 16% of all residential electricity and 5.7 million gas-only customers nationwide.