By choosing Eco Financing when checking out, you'll be able to apply for a loan quickly via Eco Financing.
Eco Financing is currently offered in specific areas. If Eco Financing is offered through your utility, your cart needs to contain an eligible product(s) and the value needs to be between $200-$5,000 to qualify. As long as you still qualify for a loan, based on creditworthiness, you may take out a loan with Eco Financing. You can only have two open loans at a time.
Please note, loan offers, where Eco Financing has offered you a loan, but you have not yet accepted or declined the offer, are limited to one outstanding loan offer at any time.
To be notified when Eco Financing is available in your area you can sign up here.
Eco Financing Support
Phone: (888) 291-0347
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time