How to apply for Eco Financing in Checkout?

Answers on how to place a successful order

Once you select your marketplace, add your preferred item(s) to the cart and click the box if you would like to add Professional Installation/Haul Away to your order and finally select the quantity amount. The Eco Financing monthly payment plan and total amount plan will be calculated for you. If  your order is available it will also show the earliest delivery date then simply click "Add to Cart" when ready. 

  1.  It's important to continue all the way through the Checkout process until completed (You will receive an on-screen message showing your order confirmation at the end along with your Best Buy order number) or the checkout session will time out and the system won't complete your order.
  2. You will need to select a delivery date and time. 
  3. You will need to choose a payment method either Financing or Credit/Debit Card. 
  4. The following pages asks for personal information and is not case sensitive, however, be sure to double check any Credit/Debit card information that is entered before proceeding and click the required boxes (Your computer may ask to  auto-populate info and the wrong Zip Code can be entered accidentally etc resulting in a failed order!).
  5. If you are Financing and aren't able to complete your order, the item(s) added in your cart may not be available in Best Buy stock. 
  6. Should steps 4 or 5 happen please be sure to contact us via Chat Bot or Email.